• PDP11HackPlus,  Personal,  Synths,  TTL CPU

    Time & motivation

    I am still struggling with my mental health, though it is getting better slowly. I’m getting a bit more motivated and I’ve been some work for Isla Instruments, which is a refreshing change. I’ve had an idea for another synth, curse my head, so I’ve jotted it down and put it in the “laterbase”.My current plan is to get the Synth Voice module I designed completed and running (I have PCBs), work on the Isla Instruments project (which will be on going) and do some bits on Epsilon when I get stuck with that and need to free my mind up a little. I’ve put a self imposed ban on…

  • Uncategorized

    Mojo and Epsilon

    Things have been really bad for my mental health over the last month or so, to the point I even had to take some time off work because I can barely function. Some function is returning, but my mood is still very very low, and it’s exhausting. I have been working on Fusion 360 to figure out how to make sheet metal and how to make a case for Epsilon, so after some work here are some pictures. This picture shows the underside of the PCB assembly, showing 10 voice cards and one effects module. I’m glad I put these PCBs all together in Fusion before ordering them because a…