

Things have been a little hectic of late so I’ve not been able to do much with the fairlight, but I do now have the chip for the light pen. So I will be working on that in the next few days.

Due to the rise in hate in the media, both social and so called “news” I’ve left social media, twitter and facebook. The UK is getting worse and worse for hate and bigotry, have a look at this article from myGwork – Record Rise In Homophobic And Transphobic Hate Crimes Across UK (
That’s just the tip of the iceberg sadly, most LGBTQ+ people don’t trust the police and so won’t report hate crime.
This, coupled with the potential new prime minister in the UK being even further right and looking to appoint more far right people has made myself and my partner reconsider things in general, in particular, if we want to stay in the UK and we’ve come to the conclusion neither of us really feels safe here. So we’ve begun looking around and working to a plan to leave the UK.

In other news I’ve had to stop trying to make any modules to sell as part of my little synth company, Dove Audio, due to the chip shortages, which is a huge shame. I know I’m not the only one suffering with this, but it is frustrating that something I love doing is being squashed by world events (pandemic, greedy car companies, war in Ukraine, etc). I’ll keep going for as long as I can, but it’s not looking great in all honesty.

However it’s not all doom and gloom, I am still working on my polysynth and on the sequencer, I mean if I can’t get the parts I can at least work on the code right? Whilst the chip shortage is a pain I am using the time to work on these two products, so who knows maybe by autumn 2023 parts will be available and I’ll have a couple of products to share with you all.

I would also like to talk briefly about my depression, it came back around January and dragged me down for a while, this was due to a number of factors. Now I’m not ashamed of this, why should I be? I’m not the only one who struggles with depression. But I am happy to say my mood is improving, with the help of counselling and my wonderful, and ever patient partner Jayne.

I’ll write more soon, and will be working on the Fairlight this weekend, so pop back 🙂

Peace, love, happiness and synths.

electronics and synth nerd.