• Delta,  Synths

    YASP (Yet Another Synth Project)

    ok, ok, I know, I should finish something first…… but…. no seriously, let me explain…. So one of the things that frustrates me is having to sit in my study of an evening to play with my synths, it takes me away from my other half and my Suzi dog. Now my other half usually plays games on her laptop, or sometimes does some coding, so I figured why not make something I can have sat on the sofa next to me instead of needing my lab, power supplies, big screens, etc. So I remembered I had this rather nice little Alchitry FPGA dev board, I found that someone had…

  • Isla Instruments,  Repairs,  Synths

    Long time no type

    It’s been a while, it’s been hectic. A lot has been going on in my life outside of the synth world, and in it. Work on the Quadrowave card has paused for a bit, due to other things, but it’s still moving along.Here I’ve popped a couple of videos with some progress, both have added reverb. I’ve also been talking to Modal and I’m going to be doing my best to help 002/008 users with problems, though Modal aren’t paying me for this, I’m doing it because I love the synths I made when I was there.