2023 and onward
Well another year has come and gone, 2022 was not a great year. With chip shortages, recessions and friends suffering a lot (for reasons I shan’t go into).
I’m not one for new years resolutions, but I do like to have a goal for the year, so my goal is to “declutter” and simplify my life. Things have gotten very complex.
So I’ve put some effort into Delta over the holiday and I have most of the prototype UI (screen and knobs) done which let’s me fully test the synth engine and debug that. Though Dove Audio is now closed, I’m unsure what form Delta will take.
PJ5 (my TTL CPU) has also had some work done it, I’ve completed another couple of PCBs for mine and I’m hoping to test them in the next week or two, then I want to finish the remainder of the PCB Mods and get those PCBs ordered.
I’m also selling a bunch of synths I rarely use as part of the decluttering, though I intend to keep my modular.
I would also like to cut down on the amount of sugar I eat as I’m aware I eat far too much chocolate.
So onward to 2023