Delta,  Isla Instruments

Life & synths

September has not been a good month in many ways. Firstly my partner has been in hospital for a week having some major surgery as a result of her having had cancer 6 years ago and A week before that my mum had a stroke and has been in and out of hospital. Suffice to say, I’ve really not had much in the way of energy or enthusiasm to do much with synths, but I have done some bit when I’ve had the beans.


picture of a PCB with some lights on and some wires

Quadrowave has fully functioning ADSRs for VCF and VCA, the VCF and VCA work, two LFOs are also working and the oscillators are working, it’s now “playable”, however there are a lot of things left to do, including a couple of minor issues and a lot of modulation routing to be done. But the basic core is there.
No sound demos yet though, when ready those will come out via Isla Instruments on their YouTube channel, it’s great to be a part o f the team bringing Caladan to life.


Not really much to report on this, I’ve been struggling to get an SPI interface to work reliably in VHDL, I’m not sure why, but my head is more focused on my partner and mum at the moment. I have managed to modify, tune and setup all the VCF/VCAs.

electronics and synth nerd.