Life, the universe and Quadrowave
Well, the last couple of months have been a challenge. My partner is getting better which is great, but I managed to get COVID and this time it was horrid, 5 weeks on and I’m still not great. I struggle to focus and I’m constantly exhausted.
My mood also hasn’t been great and I’ve been told I have arthritis, so yeah life is pretty sucky right now.
However, I did manage to get some work done on the Quadrowave card for Isla Instruments;
It has 4 voices, each with two oscillators (each with a sub) and 256 waveforms, currently two ADSRs per voice (VCF and VCA) and two LFOs (with 6 waveforms).
I’m hoping to get some more bits in over the christmas break, assuming my energy comes back.
I’ve done nothing on Delta for a while, basically just down to lack of energy. Hopefully things will improve post holidays.